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PSA Plano Scool

PSA Plano Scool Private Basketball Coach
Training Location: Dallas, United States , US
PSA Plano Scool


Basketball Skills Classes are for boys and girls from Kindergarten to 7th grade. Basketball Shooting Classes are for girls and boys from 4th to 7th grade. The skill level PSA offers are for beginners, who have never played before, and intermediates, who have played and want to improve. Classes are once a week for an hour at either 4pm or 5pm, pending skill level. You can look at the schedule below to see which class best fits you and your athletes schedule and skill level. Sessions are for 6 weeks and class days are either Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. All Classes are taught by professional and experienced instructors

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We have such confidence in our coaches that we provide a 100% money-back guarantee for every session you book on SpotBasket.

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Spotbasket works with FIBA certified coaches
FIBA Certified Coaches