Milton Academy Boys’ Basketball
$98 / ea
The Milton Academy boys’ basketball program competes in the one of the nation’s deepest and most talented leagues. Achieving school record breaking success over the past few seasons this program is one that is truly on the rise in New England. “Surround yourself around good people and great things happen.” That has been the motto around the program and you can see it in true form if you’ve ever spent time around Coach Lamar Reddicks and his program.
The job of the coaching staff here at Milton Academy is to mold our basketball team into a family and teach players to handle not only the successes but also failures on the court and in life.
Coaching Experience
16 years of experience
Athletics Highlights
. Milton students like to create, to problem-solve, to work hard, to laugh, and to try new things. They develop confidence in themselves and pride in their classmates. They’re generous, they celebrate, and they are continually surprising in the answers they develop. With so many ways to get involved at Milton, surrounded by so many encouraging people, you’ll find a niche just right for you.
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