Mastering the Lost Art of Low Post Moves

As Coach Jackson Turner of the SpotBasket team from Chicago, I'm addressing you today with some parting wisdom and guidance. Throughout my coaching career, I've seen the game of basketball evolve in many ways, but I've always believed in the power of fundamentals. I want to emphasize the importance of mastering skills that seem to be fading in the modern game, particularly the art of low post moves.
In my experience, walking into gyms nowadays, it's a rare sight to see young players practicing their low post moves. Instead, they're often captivated by the allure of shooting off-balance three-pointers. But here's a critical aspect I want you to consider: as players neglect the practice of scoring in the low post, they equally neglect learning how to defend it. This observation leads me to a vital conclusion - mastering the low post moves gives you a distinct advantage over your competition.
I recommend focusing on these essential post moves:
The Jump Hook – A classic, effective, and hard-to-block move
A timeless and effective move in the low post. It's difficult to defend against, especially when a player can execute it over either shoulder. The jump hook relies on a combination of height, timing, and soft touch near the rim.
The Up and Under – This requires clever footwork and finesse
This move involves a shot fake to get the defender off balance, followed by a step-through to the basket. It's a test of patience and footwork, requiring the player to sell the fake convincingly and then take advantage of the defender's misstep.
The Drop Step – It's about using your body to create space and opportunity
In this move, the player seals off the defender with their body, then makes a quick step towards the basket for a closer shot. It's particularly effective when a player has a strong physical presence and can use their body to create space.
The Face Up Shot – This tests your ability to read and react to the defense
This involves receiving the ball in the low post, facing up to the basket, and then making a move based on the defender's position. It can be a jump shot, a drive to the basket, or a combination of moves. The key here is the ability to read the defense and react quickly.
Remember, basketball is not just about following the latest trends. It's about finding your strengths and honing your skills in a way that sets you apart. As the great Michael Jordan once said, "I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come." Let this be a guiding principle in your journey ahead. Keep working hard, stay dedicated, and always strive to be the best version of yourselves on and off the court. Good luck!
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